Convert from ounce [UK, liquid] to ounce [US, liquid]

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Unit Definition (ounce [UK, liquid])
The ounce [UK, liquid] is a traditional unit of liquid volume, also called the fluid ounce to avoid confusion with the weight ounce. In the British Imperial system there are 20 fluid ounces in an imperial pint, so each fluid ounce represents about 1.733 871 cubic inches or 28.413 063 milliliters. A British fluid ounce weighs exactly one ounce at a specified temperature and pressure.

Unit Definition (ounce [US, liquid])
The ounce [US, liquid] is a traditional unit of liquid volume, also called the fluid ounce to avoid confusion with the weight ounce. In the U. S. customary system there are 16 fluid ounces in a pint, so each fluid ounce represents 1.804 687 cubic inches or 29.573 531 milliliters. A U.S. fluid ounce of water weighs just a bit more than one ounce avoirdupois.

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