Convert from Tablespoon [UK] to deciliter

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Unit Definition (Tablespoon [UK])
The tablespoon is a unit of volume used in food recipes. In Britain, traditional tablespoons varied somewhat in size, and various older references give sizes in the range from 1/2 to 5/8 Imperial fluid ounce (14.2-17.6 milliliters). The traditional British tablespoonful was often equal to 4 teaspoonfuls or 1/10 teacupful.

Unit Definition (deciliter)
The deciliter is a common metric unit of volume equal to 0.1 liter or 100 cubic centimeters. A deciliter contains 6.10237 cubic inches, 3.38140 U.S. fluid ounces, or 3.519 British fluid ounces. The deciliter is similar in size to the gill, an old English unit of volume.

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